Consortium of Self Help Group Approach Promoters (CoSAP) is an umbrella of SHG promoting organizations. Members, who adopt the SHG approach as a key tool for the empowerment of women, utilize this platform as a unifying mechanism for the implementation of the approach. This objective is realized through the provision of capacity building training to member organization and representing them in any policy level discussion that paves the ground for the proliferation of the approach.

Lideta Sub City, Woreda 10, African Union Area

The MoU signing ceremony was held at the FDRE Authority for Civil Society Organizations (ACSO) meeting hall and in presence of ACSO management team and the representatives of the CDP-Lg CSOs Program implementing organizations (WHH, CoSAP and Development Expertise Centre (DEC)). 

The MoU was signed to establish and formalize a framework for collaboration and cooperation between the ACSO and CDP-Lg CSOs Program in areas of mutual interest with a particular focus on building the capacity of CSOs and that of ACSO in collaboration with other regional government stakeholders for eventually realizing strong, vibrant and sustainable CSOs in the country.