Consortium of Self Help Group Approach Promoters (CoSAP) is an umbrella of SHG promoting organizations. Members, who adopt the SHG approach as a key tool for the empowerment of women, utilize this platform as a unifying mechanism for the implementation of the approach. This objective is realized through the provision of capacity building training to member organization and representing them in any policy level discussion that paves the ground for the proliferation of the approach.

Lideta Sub City, Woreda 10, African Union Area

Full Members:

  • Legally registered by the Authority for Civil Society Organizations and with renewed/valid certificate
  • Produce a letter for the membership application
  • Has women empowerment program through self-help group approach
  • Has practically formed certain number self-help groups
  • Has no contradictory/conflicting approach in one project location
  • Can produce an annual report and submit to CoSAP regarding its performance on self-help group approach
  • Willing to sign members’ code of conduct
  • Fulfills its obligation in accordance with CoSAP bylaw

Honorary Members:

  • Organizations, institutions, groups or legal persons that are acknowledged for their contribution to the cause of CoSAP’s vision in promoting the Self Help Group approach in the country
  • Membership is to be approved by CoSAP General Assembly

​After CoSAP receives an expression of interest to become a full member, it will include the member-to-be in its regular monitoring visits to assess the conditions of the People’s Institutions and provide technical support where needed. After conditions are met, CoSAP Secretariat will present the request for membership to the Board of Directors; and the final approval will be done by CoSAP General Assembly.